Summer 2008
After coming to Boulder, CO, I haven’t been writing about stuff happening around me. There have been few thoughts, which I wanted to write about, and filled up the blog with those ideas.
Summer is Colorado is really beautiful, and gives the sense of a real summer. The weather is dry, so even if the days are hot, it cools down a lot in the night. I feel, this is a real summer, and it gives very seasonal feelings. Now, I am not sure, if I am allowed to say, but I am ready for the winter. It also gets very cold here in the winter, so it’s kind of confused feeling!
There have been few events recently, which were highlights of the summer. Unfortunately, I am not allowed/want to discuss those events here, but it is something that changed lot of things in my life. Some of the details are mentioned in Denver post or internal NIST website. Anyway, this gave me a chance to see that how far I can push myself, and learned few new different things, e.g. how the systems works in USA, or within government organization, how to talk to lawyers etc... I am still trying to get out something positive out of everything, and most probably time will give me the answer.
I have to cancel my trip to France for SPIE 08, but recent got an opportunity to come go Chicago for ASC 08. Downtown Chicago is a definitely a very nice place, and a very vibrant culture. There are lot of nice places, where one can try multinational cousins, and an active place. I always wonder, how it will be, working in tall skyscrapers, and in a very different working environment. Stay tuned, more things to come here!